Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wait! What?!

I have oily skin no matter what primer/foundation/powder I use my face gets oily - especially when I'm at work! Through the grapevine I've recently heard Milk of Magnesia is not only for stomach issues but also helps with oily skin and acne Wait! What?! I was all the way confused but I will try damn near anything to help with this oily skin of mines it's only about five, six bucks I can't lose.

There's two ways you can use it, the first is to control shine. Everyday before you apply your moisturizer, just dab a small* amount on with a make-up sponge or a cotton ball. Your supposed to only apply to your t-zone but honestly my entire face gets oily so I'll be putting it all over. 

The second way to use it as an acne treatment is to apply a liberal amount to your face for 15 mins, then rinse 1-2 times a week.

I do happen to have some Milk of Magnesia in my house so I will try it out this week and update you guys.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


One of my besties graduated from ASA College yesterday and of course we had to celebrate, last night we went to LIPS where Drag Queens serve as waitresses. FUN FUN FUN. I didn't have my camera with me so I don't have great pics but here's a few anyway..

me and my braid 

It's Raining Mennnnnn!

Tiffany & her sister Sonya

Senita & I

The Graduate

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cool Saturday

I know my posting has been very inconsistent and I'm upset with myself about that because I hate when I enjoy a blog and then the posts just stop but I've just been all over the place lately. Today I went to "the city" with my cousin Nakia with no true destination, I did however try Rice to Riches which I've dying to try for awhile now. I had the original with pound cake topping these ppl had like 20 flavors and I decided to get the lame ass original which I honestly did not enjoy - Kia got the French Toast flavor with dried oatmeal/coconut topping and it was AMAZING! I'll definitely be going back to have that ; anyway here's a few pics from the day

PS I promise to post more often :-)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Celebrating Life

I know I haven't posted in forever please forgive me! 

Last weekend I turned 25 and it was the BEST birthday thus far! Here's a few flicks from the weekend..

my mom & I

my new boyfriend :-)