Monday, December 20, 2010

Heart Beats

So ya’ll know about the Beats by Dre headphones right? They're cool for guys but for the ladies not so much, I was in Best Buy yesterday and I saw these

“Heartbeats” by Lady Gaga, they were $149.99 in Best Buy but I did some research and they are $98 on they are soo cute. Apparently they've been out for a while but i'm just* seeing them....I might just buy the for myself for Christmas =)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I's been a while

let me start off by saying I have absolutely NO patience...and as I started* typing this post and uploading pics my computer went crazy. I lost everything I was typing AND it ruined the memory card to my blackberry which was also plugged into the computer O_o so yeah umm I'm pissed & not typing it all over again SMH i'll try again 2morrow
